Tools To Help You Build Your Business

We help clients in all 50 states!

Becoming a franchisee is a big deal. A big, long-term, and potentially costly deal. You’ve got to know exactly what you’re getting into and the foreseeable risks and whether it’s the right decision for you. The franchisor will require you to confirm with your signature that you agree with the terms laid out in the documentation. Do you even know what’s in the documentation? If not, how can you sign?

You can’t and you shouldn’t. Let us support you by providing the information you need.

FDD & Franchise Agreement Review Package Options:

Click on any item to read more & purchase

**With each package, we ask that you complete our "Understanding You and Your Concerns" form, so that we can make sure that we have what matters to you in mind when conducting the review on your behalf. The form will be e-mailed to you after you book**

Q & A Session

Get Your Questions Answered

80-minute conversation with an attorney to go over specific questions you may have on the FDD, Franchise Agreement, the franchising process, or anything else related to your potential franchise purchase. You may be wondering what specific language in the documents mean; you may want to know if certain provisions are typical; you may wonder whether or not we've seen franchisors be willing to make certain changes. We will endeavor to address your specific questions in this Q & A session.


Elite Package

  • FDD Review

  • Franchise Agreement Review

  • Written abstract and Nebo Law comments in our easy-to-read document

  • A video created by the attorney, summarizing the memo and key points from the FDD and Franchise Agreement review.


Add Development Agreement Review
(for a multi-unit franchise)

to your Elite Package:

Combined price:

Prestige Package

  • FDD Review

  • Franchise Agreement Review

  • Written abstract and Nebo Law comments in our easy-to-read document

  • Client Call (for review and questions) for up to 50 minutes or up to 5 email questions

  • A video created by the attorney, summarizing the memo and key points from the FDD and Franchise Agreement review.


Add Development Agreement Review
(for a multi-unit franchise)

to your Prestige Package:

Combined price:

Signature Package

  • FDD Review

  • Franchise Agreement Review

  • Written abstract and Nebo Law comments in our easy-to-read document

  • Client Call (for review and questions) for up to 50 minutes or up to 5 email questions)

  • Negotiate with franchisor to create final execution documents (aim is to get you to the point of having a version of any addendum that can be signed by both parties)

  • Unlimited communications with your franchise attorney via the client portal up to the point of execution of the Franchise Agreement (within a period of 60 days)

  • Review of final Franchise Agreement prior to your signing of it

  • A video created by the attorney, summarizing the memo and key points from the FDD and Franchise Agreement review.


Add Development Agreement Review
(for a multi-unit franchise)

to your Signature Package:

Combined price:

Understanding The FDD & Franchise Agreement Review Service

Our FDD and Franchise Agreement Review provides you with an understanding of the terms of the deal you’d be getting into and arms you with the information you need to make an informed, confident decision. It highlights:

  • Unusual terms

  • Red flags

  • Items that you should address with the franchisor

  • Items that you may want to address with other professionals on your team (e.g., insurance agent)

  • General business advice that is pertinent to your situation

Click any item to read more & purchase: